Saturday, March 17, 2007

My General

St. Ignatius of Loyola
Oil on Canvas, 9in x 12in
"Fundador, sois Ignacio,
General de la compania real de Jesus,
Hueste belicosa y fiel."
I'm productive in idle times. (Ironic) I finished this painting in the darkest hours after the ravishing devastation left by Super Typhoon Reming. There was no power for almost two weeks so I productively used boring hours by candlelight, painting portraits of Ignatius. I finished three! He'll (Ignatius) be glad at what I've done! He he...
This painting of St. Ignatius I copied from an "estampita" given to me by a Jesuit.
Eventually, I gave the painting to the Jesuits in the school. I took a picture before saying goodbye to my work.
Now, the portrait of the founder hangs in the Jesuits' bulletin board.


Anonymous said...

nice XD

Ces Adorio said...

Oh my gosh! You are a marvelous painter!!!

isabella said...

that was a noble thing, sir.
another saintly deed for your resume. if there were a nomination thingy for those who deserve to be saints, i might nominate you.

Sidney said...

Nice painting! You are talented!

rmacapobre said...

one of my regrets. i had to choose between my love of creating art and love of computers.

i do not regret having chosen computers. it helped me and my family a lot in terms of putting food on the table, sending my brother to school. i enjoyed the crative side of being a programmer.

i do regret knowing i had the talent (amateur hehehe) and the interest to paint but i simply do not have the time now ..

i envy you

Dine Racoma said...

a wonderful gesture, just a while ago i was asking my son what the words, "Fundador sois Ignacio’y general!". now i see them in your post.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.

Anonymous said...

hi sir, i'm from your schonice painting sir i didn't know that you were a good painter. haha