Sunday, January 28, 2007


Detail, Oil on Wooden Panel 14in x 24in
I have started to dislike this painting.
For years, it was just left somewhere. I got no interest in it
because I wasn't able to render my siblings' portrait well.
See the dirt all over my face's detail?
This is me, my sister Junjie and younger brother, Jabbar
- all copied from our respective three-year-old photos.
But I like the way I look in the picture.


Ces Adorio said...

Meljohn, thanks for visiting my blog. What a delight to discover you. I love this painting. It is beautiful and well executed. You should paint more. Stop by again. Check out my daily blog It's busier than my online gallery. You will meet other wonderful bloggers there.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sir. I came over to see what's with your blog. Yours is amazing, really. Especially the captions of the photos featured. By the way, you are very cute in the animated sketch of you...he29

This is Myk Gregory Albao of LG-3311...hehehehe....hahahaha

MJ said...

Thanks, Myke. Keep visiting my blog. Keep posting comments too. That energizes me... My baby painting? That's not an animation. That's painting!

Anonymous said...

your art work reminds me of my uncle..hehe..cliche it may sound, the best words i can say are: keep rockin..haha!!astig ka ser sa art..mag DIA ka ser..hehe..

-b a t m a n

Anonymous said...

Now that's what I call, kawaiiiiiiii!!!!

Anonymous said...

hello my dear cousin,

keep up the good work!! Miss you a lot na..give my regards to your beautiful mom,your sister & brother..we are freezing now here in NJ, USA..sobrang lipot talaga may snow pa..o sige take cae you!!

ate bing