Friday, February 2, 2007

Mother & Child II

Plaza Rizal, Naga City
If only Rizal were living and could do a bunjee jump
from his pedestal up this monument, he'd say:
"Hoy, bata. Ikaw ay pag-asa ng bayan!"
The streetchild would quip in response:
"Eh? Dare desu ka?"
(Naging Hapon lugod... he he he)


Ces Adorio said...

Meljohn, this and the photograph below in your previous post are so haunting. It isn't the symbolism that struck me but the reality that these girls will someday grew up to be teenagers. Imagine being in puberty and living in the streets. It's a horrible thing and there are hundreds of them, even thousands. This is the sad part. I know we can't save everyone, it speaks ill of a society. The decay of a society is not based on how bad the economy may be, it is when things like this, orphans and children of the streets are acceptable and considered "just the way it is". What an irony, the church is their recluse, the same church that condemns birth control and prevents the empowerment of women and from taking control of their lives...

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your photos throughout your blog; but more importantly love the simplicity - yet depth - of what you are saying here. I love how you show all mother and children as being holy. Looking forward to returning and seeing more.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness...!! sir...wat's up?? by the way..
i really, really love ur artistic paintings and pictures...

i wish u gudlak to your journeys..

we will miss u ,..manoymic...

